Quick links:
- Exurbanist City Services Calendar (includes garbage and recycling schedule)
- Exurbanist Leaf Vacuum Schedule (Table)
- City of Peekskill Waste Collection Schedule for the East Side (PDF)
- City of Peekskill Waste Collection Schedule for the West Side (PDF)
How to find the latest Peekskill Sanitation schedules
The City of Peekskill DPW recently released the 2023 waste collection calendars in PDF format, here are links to the east side schedule and west side schedule.
While a PDF calendar is nice to print out and put on the fridge, we thought it’d be even nicer to have a web-based calendar to refer to when the fridge is just out of reach.
So we’ve translated the DPW’S data into our database here on exurbanist.com and integrated it into the web experience. This site is still in beta, so bear with the inconsistencies and bugs, but you can find the complete City Services calendar by visiting exurbanist.com/city-services-calendar.
From there you’ll be able to view all the upcoming waste collection days (including garbage, commingle recycling, newspaper/cardboard recycling, Christmas Tree chipping, bulk trash, and bagged leaf) organized by month. You can use the tags filter to see just the east or west side schedule.
You can also find the slightly more complex leaf vacuum schedule. Just search for the name of your street on the table and you’ll see the date the vacuum will come by your house.
We’ve also included a link to the next scheduled waste collection on the home page, just beneath the cover image. So now anytime you visit the website you’ll be able to quickly know when and what you need to get out on the curb for the city to pick up.
We hope you find this new feature useful as an alternative to the city’s PDF calendar, let us know what you think by leaving a comment.