Flier for Lincoln Remembrance Day in Peekskill

Lincoln Remembrance Day

The Lincoln Society and the Lincoln Depot Museum in Peekskill will co-sponsor a “LINCOLN REMEMBRANCE DAY” on Saturday, February 17th, 2024. The event will celebrate Abraham Lincoln’s only speaking stop in Westchester County during his lifetime on February 19, 1861 at the old railroad depot in Peekskill during the train journey to his Inauguration in Washington, DC. The 3-part event is open to the public.

At 11:00 AM there will be a “Wreath-Laying Ceremony” at the Lincoln Exedra on South Street, which was dedicated in 1925 to mark Lincoln’s historic visit to Peekskill. The monument was constructed with funds raised by the Lincoln Society in Peekskill.

At 11:30 AM a “Lincoln in Peekskill Re-Enactment” will take place at the nearby Lincoln Depot Museum at 10 South Water Street in Peekskill featuring a reading of Lincoln’s speech to the 1,500 persons gathered to hear his remarks in 1861. The Lincoln Depot Museum opened ten years ago in 2014 and is the only Lincoln-related museum in the State of New York.

At 12:00 Noon a special showing of a new documentary by the Lincoln Presidential Foundation entitled “WARNING SIGNS: Lincoln’s Response to Rising Tensions in the 1850’s” – featuring author/ historian Dr. Jonathan White (winner of the 2023 LINCOLN PRIZE) and actor Fritz Klein – will take place at the Lincoln Depot Museum. The film project won an Emmy Award nomination. Light refreshments will be served following the film presentation. A donation of $10. for adults is suggested to support the work of the Lincoln Society and the Lincoln Depot Museum.

Founded in 1903, the Lincoln Society in Peekskill is the only Lincoln group in Westchester County and one of the oldest Lincoln societies in the United States. Additional information on “LINCOLN REMEMBRANCE DAY” is available on the organization’s website: www.lincolnsocietyinpeekskill.org


Feb 17 2024


11:00 am



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Lincoln Depot Museum
10 South Water Street, Peekskill, NY 10566


Lincoln Society in Peekskill